She had awakened. Her eyes opened and she was no longer afraid. She remembered where she had been and could no longer look back. She wanted peace. She wanted happiness. She wanted love.
She had a voice now after being silenced for so long. All that came from her mouth was a whisper before. Now she wanted to climb to the highest mountain and scream as loud as she could. She was not afraid to speak. She had awakened.
She had a fire burning in her. A light shining in her soul. He tried to put it out and for the longest time it was dim. She didn’t believe it was there because she did not see it. It was there all along waiting for her to see it again. She pushed through the fog and darkness and came out the other side. She was free. She had awakened.
She listened carefully but noticed that she could no longer hear his voice. His harsh words telling her that was not good enough, not important, and that she was too much. His voice would scream so loudly in her ear that his words became her inner voice. She began to believe that she was flawed and broken. She looked around and he was nowhere to be found. She had awakened.
She looked up at the sun and thought that it shined brighter and more beautiful than ever before. The dark clouds had lifted. There was no more depressing fog. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of the sun soak deeply into her skin. And she smiled. For she had awakened.